Настолна игра за двама MOB: Big Apple - Семейна

  • Производител:Matagot
  • Продуктов код:60604
  • Наличност:Наличен 
  • Доставка:до 5 работни дни

  • 59.90 лв.

Ню Йорк, 1926 г.: Две престъпни семейства се борят за територия, за да изнудват местния бизнес и да контролират задкулисното разпространение на спиртни напитки по време на Сухия режим. Всяко семейство се бори, правейки всичко по силите си, за да заграби собствеността върху касите с алкохол. Вие сте "Capodecina" за едно от тези семейства. Командвайте своите поддръжници, за да спечелят надмощие в Ню Йорк, като събирате сандъци, елиминирате съперници, разкривате къртици и сигнализирате на прокурора за опонента си. Имате ли какво е необходимо, за да стане вашето семейство Capo dei Capi?

Информация от издателя:

New York City, 1926: Two crime families battle for territory to extort local businesses and control backdoor distribution of spirits during Prohibition. Each family fights dirty, doing all they can to seize ownership of alcohol crates, even if that means sending rivals to sleep with the fishes. You are the "Capodecina" for one of these families. Command your henchmen to gain the upper hand in New York City by collecting crates, eliminating rivals, exposing moles, and tipping off the DA on your opponent. Do you have what it takes for your family to become Capo dei Capi?

Each round in MOB: Big Apple, players take turns rolling two dice, then decide how to execute the results. Each roll allows players to allocate henchmen to the two game boards and perform various dastardly tasks, such as loading cars with henchmen to drive to locations, loading crates of contraband, revealing their rival's moles, and eluding the District Attorney.

In more detail, six key locations of New York City are contested each round, with half being represented by a black die and half by a white die. You roll one of each die on a turn, and the die values denote which locations may be interacted with, and how many henchmen may travel to that specific location, with the white die serving as the location and the black die the number of henchmen or vice versa. During every turn, a player must send at least one henchmen to perform a specific task on the action board, which can help command cars, expose moles, move crates, and influence the District Attorney to move in on their rival’s family.

Once both players have allocated all of their henchmen, the round ends, then a battle takes place at each location, with the survivors remaining to guard the contraband. After the third and final round, whichever Capodecina owns the most crates of contraband gains control of the Big Apple!

Брой играчи 2
Възраст 14+
Език Английски
Категория Семейни игри
Материал Картон, Пластмаса
Продължителност 30-60 минути
Размер на опаковката 24.8 x 15.2 x 7 cm
Сложност на правилата Лесни (до 10 минути)
Тегло 0.8 kg

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