Ролева игра Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Player Core (P2)
- Производител:Paizo Publishing
- Продуктов код:62760
- Наличност:Наличен
- Доставка:до 5 работни дни
- 107.82 лв.
- 129.90 лв.
Pathfinder Player Core представлява нова отправна точка към второто издание на Pathfinder, с всичко, което е необходимо на играча, за да се научи да играе играта! Изберете от осем родословия, осем пълни класа герои и стотици подвизи и заклинания, за да създадете уникални герои, готови за смъртоносни приключения в свят, обзет от магия и зло! Този том от 464 страници с твърди корици е окончателният източник на правила за всички играчи на Pathfinder Second Edition!
Pathfinder Player Core е първият основен сборник с правила за напълно обновената ролева игра Pathfinder Second Edition! Тези правила са съвместими с предишните сборници с правила на Pathfinder Second Edition, като включват изчерпателни актуализации на правилата, както и някои от най-добрите допълнения от по-късните книги в нови, по-лесни за достъп томове с нови презентации, вдъхновени от дългогодишните отзиви на играчите. Заедно с GM Core, Monster Core и Player Core 2, тези книги осигуряват нова основа за бъдещето на настолните игри!
Информация от издателя:
The Pathfinder Player Core presents a new entry point to Pathfinder Second Edition, with everything a player needs to learn how to play the game! Choose from eight ancestries, eight complete character classes, and hundreds of feats and spells to make unique characters ready for deadly adventures in a world beset by magic and evil! This 464-page hardcover tome is the definitive rules resource for all Pathfinder Second Edition players!
Pathfinder Player Core is the first core rulebook for the fully remastered Pathfinder Second Edition RPG! These rules are compatible with previous Pathfinder Second Edition rulebooks, incorporating comprehensive errata and rules updates and some of the best additions from later books into new, easier-to-access volumes with new presentations inspired by years of player feedback. Along with the GM Core, Monster Core, and Player Core 2, these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming!
Pathfinder Player Core includes:
- Easier to Learn! We’ve taken feedback from the Beginner Box and the Core Rulebook and made this new entry into the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game easier to navigate and get right into the fun. Complete character creation rules, walking you through building a character by selecting your Ancestry, Background, and Class, with a focus on the bard, cleric, druid, fighter, ranger, rogue, witch, and wizard! Core ancestry options include human, dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, leshy, and orc!
- A mountain of options allowing you to customize your character including versatile heritages, like the changeling and nephilim, skills and feats, and hundreds of spells (including dozens of new ones), ensuring that the character you build represents your hero not just in story, but in rules as well!
- Everything you need to know to start playing, from advice on how to explore the world to tips on surviving deadly combats with terrifying foes. A primer on the world of Lost Omens so that your character can be a part of an exciting and diverse world!
- Rules and tools to advance your character through play, taking them from a fresh-faced adventurer ready to take on the world to a veteran hero, wielding powerful magic that can reshape reality!
- Fully integrated errata from the first 4 years of Pathfinder Second Edition, including revisions to the witch, expanded options for every character class, streamlined spells, new equipment, and more!
Спецификация | |
Възраст | 16+ |
Език | Английски |
Материал | Картон, Хартия |
Размер на опаковката | 20.3 x 27.94 x 2.54 cm |
Тегло | 1.5 kg |
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