Разширение за настолна игра King of Tokyo - Power Up

  • Производител:Iello
  • Продуктов код:29269
  • Наличност:Наличен 
  • Доставка:до 5 работни дни

  • 29.90 лв.

King of Tokyo: Power Up! е първото разширение за популярната игра King of Tokyo, което добавя уникални карти с различни еволюции за всички чудовища от базовата игра. Това добавя допълнително разнообразие и позволява на играчите да изберат най-подходящото умение за всяка ситуация. Не на последно място, разширението пристига и с едно ново чудовище - Pandakai! 

Информация от издателя

With King of Tokyo: Power Up! – an expansion for the King of Tokyo base game – Included is the new monster Pandakai, a giant panda bear. 

After choosing a monster, each player takes the eight Evolution cards associated with that monster, shuffles those cards, and creates a personal deck. At the end of a player's turn, if she has three hearts, she draws one Evolution card and adds it to her hand; this is possible even in Tokyo (when hearts are normally useless) and even if the hearts are used for some other action, such as healing. 

A player can reveal and play an Evolution card at any time. Some Evolutions are temporary, allowing a one-time bonus, while others are Permanent, such as Gigazaur's "Tail Sweep", which allows him to change one die to a 1 or 2 each turn. Each Evolution card also identifies whether a monster is a Mutant, Invader, or Robot, and while not relevant for Power Up!, this species identification could come into play in future expansions. 

The rules for King of Tokyo: Power Up! contain a few variants: Players start with a random Evolution in play, or draw two cards and choose the one they want, or draft a set of Evolutions prior to the start of play. However you play, the goal of the game remains the same: Score 20 points or be the last monster standing amid the rubble of what was once Tokyo.

Баркод 3760175513688
Брой играчи 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+
Вид продукт Семейни
Възраст 8+
Език Английски
Каталожен номер 51368
Категория Настолни игри
Марка Iello
Оригинално име King of Tokyo - Power Up
Продължителност до 30 минути
Размер на опаковката 15 x 15 x 5 cm
Размер на продукта 15 x 15 x 5 cm
Сложност на правилата Лесни (до 10 минути)
Тегло 0.32 kg

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