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Настолна игра Endless Winter: Paleoamericans - стратегическа

  • Производител:Fantasia Games
  • Продуктов код:51292
  • Наличност:Наличен 
  • Доставка:до 5 работни дни

    • 111.51 лв.
    • 119.90 лв.

Действието в настолната игра Endless Winter: Paleoamericans се развива в Северна Америка около 10 000 години преди новата ера. Играчите ръководят развитието на своите племена през няколко поколения - от номадски ловци-събирачи до проспериращи племенни общества. В хода на играта племената мигрират и се заселват в нови земи, установяват културни традиции, ловуват и строят неподвластни на времето мегалитни структури. След четири динамични кръга резултатите се изчисляват и племето с най-много точки печели!

Информация от издателя:

Designed by Stan Kordonskiy (Dice Hospital, Rurik, Lock Up), developed by Jonny Pac (Coloma, Sierra West, Lions of Lydia), solo mode by Drake Villareal (Solani, Spook Manor), and illustrated by The Mico (Raiders of the North Sea, Paladins of the West Kingdom, Valeria), Endless Winter: Paleoamericans takes place in North America, around 10,000 BCE. Players guide the development of their tribes across several generations—from nomadic hunter-gatherers to prosperous tribal societies. Over the course of the game, tribes migrate and settle new lands, establish cultural traditions, hunt paleolithic megafauna, and build everlasting megalithic structures.

Endless Winter is a euro-style game that combines worker placement and deck building in an innovative way. Each round, players send their tribe members to various action spaces, and pay for the actions by playing cards and spending resources. Tribe cards grant additional labor, while Culture cards provide a variety of unique effects. As an alternative, cards can be saved for an end-of-round Eclipse phase, where they are simultaneously revealed to determine the new player order, and trigger various bonus actions.

The game features a novel blend of interwoven systems and mechanisms, such as multi-use cards, area influence, tile placement, and set collection. Plus, there are many viable paths to victory. After four brisk rounds, scores are tallied, and the tribe with the most points wins!

Брой играчи 1, 2, 3, 4
Възраст 12+
Език Английски
Материал Дърво, Картон, Пластмаса
Продължителност 60-120 минути
Размер на опаковката 29.07 x 9 x 35 cm
Сложност на правилата Сложни (над 20 минути)
Тегло 2.565 kg

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